
日期: 来源:贝斯特安卓网
Huawei claims that their new version of HarmonyOS is no longer compatible with Android. Do you think they can succeed?



Os Jose

Anything is possible! With the right marketing and disclaimers, Huamei can make it big but the problem is, that they have no innovation, harmony OS is not new nor can give the next gen of PCs and devices looking for Operating Software, the assurance in security, reliability, cost-effectiveness, brand partnership with other companies.

Why would a consumer trust this OS when there is nothing out there using it?

Or maybe just like any other Chinese-made product it is inferior?





Jona Arkenson

Harmony OS is actually just Android with a heavy UI skin over it. Just like Amazon's Fire Tablets and Fire TVs, it's just Android with a heavily customized UI and skin. There were tech journalists who gained access to Harmony OS developer code and they saw clear evidence of it being Android OS. Android OS is open source, so it's free for anybody to use however they want, but having Google apps and services will require licencing and paying a royalty fee to Google.



Over the years, many Huawei users were happy using Harmony OS, mainly because they were able to install any Android app on it just like an Android phone. They could either manually install the Google Play Store or use 3rd party app stores, or simply just downloading the APK file from the internet. However, due to the embarrassment from Huawei after people realized that Harmony OS is just Android OS, Huawei announced that they will be blocking the ability to download or sideload Android apps. This has angered many Huawei users and many are consider quitting Huawei if this happens.

多年来,许多华为用户都很喜欢使用鸿蒙操作系统,主要是因为他们可以像安卓手机一样在上面安装安卓应用程序。他们可以手动安装Google Play Store或使用第三方应用商店,或者从互联网下载APK文件。但华为在人们发现鸿蒙系统的本质只是安卓操作系统后十分尴尬,宣布华为将阻止下载或侧载安卓应用程序。这激怒了许多华为用户,如果这种情况真的发生,许多人都会考虑退出华为。

So can they succeed? Probably not. Huawei has already fallen down due to the US trade sanction and chip bans on Huawei. This has already dropped Huawei down the list and they are below Apple, Oppo, Vivo, and iaomi in the China market. And banning Android apps on Harmony OS is just adding fuel to the fire. Huawei is only still around due to the support of the chinese kee them afloat, mostly using Huawei as a national symbol and propaganda. But 1/4th of the Chinese population uses an iPhone and they love Apple, and the rest uses either a Oppo, Vivo, or iaomi phone.

They basically spammed the internet and created a fake buzz and hype over their Huawei Mate 60 phone. But actual real owners of the Mate 60 phones (unlike paid phone and tech reviewers) have reported bad experiences with their Mate 60 (overheating and lag issues).

那么他们能成功吗?可能不会。由于美国对华为的贸易制裁和芯片禁令,华为已经衰败了。华为已经被拉下了神探,在中国市场上华为已经落后于苹果、Oppo、Vivo和小米。而禁止在鸿蒙操作系统上使用安卓应用只是火上浇油。华为之所以还存在,是因为有 国家的支持,中国把华为作为国家的象征和宣传。

但四分之一的中国人使用iPhone,他们喜欢苹果,其余的中国人使用Oppo、Vivo或小米手机。他们在互联网上为华为Mate 60手机炒作造势。但Mate 60手机的实际用户(不同于付费手机和技术评测人员)反映了Mate 60的糟糕体验(过热和延迟问题)。


Chris Chovanek

No reason why not, its a viable third mobile os, they may only sell in particular locale, once it's out there people will develop specifically for it, no different from develo for android or ios


Bill Chen

How will Huawei's new OS replace Android?


It will roll out in stages, and begin in China, which does not use the Google app store.

That was the plan all along because the Chinese are never crazy enough to place their bets in a single basket.

I think Harmony will roll out in lower key releases in China with emphasis on the harmony app store. There may be special versions of certain android apps or emoji, wallpaper and game selections bundled in. When it is demonstrably viable to easily port Android apps over to the platform, harmony will be introduced to flagship releases within China.




I believe the recent announcement is merely a show of force that Huawei has an OS in place in case access to Android is again cut off.


Suraj Vishwakarma

By the speed …..

Huawei’s ‘HongMeng’ OS could be 60% faster than Android: Report

Huawei's HongMeng operating system could be 60 per cent faster than Android,

Reports suggest that Huawei would be ready to roll out its “HongMeng” OS towards the end of this year.




Huawei’s HongMeng operating system could be 60 per cent faster than Android, according to a report from Global Times. The source claims that Huawei’s upcoming OS is significantly faster than the exsting Android. However, there is no way to measure how that speed is measured. Since there is no confirmation on this, and you should take this with a pinch of salt.

Interestingly, the report revealed that companies like iaomiand Vivo have sent their employees to Huawei to test out the new OS in the making. Right now, all these companies use Google’s Android OS to power their smartphones.



With Huawei cut off from US technology, the Chinese tech giant has fastened the development of its own operating system. Reports suggest that Huawei would be ready to roll out its “HongMeng” OS towards the end of this year. The company has recently applied to trademark its Android rival in at least 9 countries and Europe. Meanwhile, Huawei is encouraging developers to publish their apps to the AppGallery, which is pitted as a challenger to Google’s Play Store.

随着华为与美国技术的联系被截断,这家中国科技巨头已经开始开发自己的操作系统。有报道称,华为将准备在今年年底推出其“鸿蒙”操作系统。该公司最近在至少9个国家和欧洲为其安卓竞争对手申请了商标。与此同时,华为正在鼓励开发者将他们的应用发布到AppGallery,后者被视为谷歌Play Store的对手。

Afsar Ali

No huawei will not stop using android in the future. Android is the priority of Huawei but they are working on their own OS. Hongmeng OS is faster then android and iOS. Huawei will test it's OS first only for China. After testing it in China Huawei will introduce it to other countries.


